Archive for Middle Aged Cracker Rapper

Trophy Wife…”Middle Aged Cracker Rapper”…

Posted in Rumors, News, Video's and just plain old B.S., Silly Ish with tags , , , , , , , on May 12, 2010 by gussblueonline

Okay, first let me start by explaining…” I know this isn’t or shouldn’t be considered hip hop or what have you”…but whats the difference between his vision as far as music, and that of Soulja Boy or Wacka Flacka?  I mean, I respect the grind and hustle of both those artists, but I’m not a big fan of their versions of hip hop.  That being said…now, we have the “Middle Aged Cracker Rapper” (umm, he calls himself that…), whom at first glance, looks like he had a few extra dividends…so he got with veteran rapper Al Capone, went into the studio and had a little fun.  Then watching the video I noticed the plug at the bottom for the website , so I indulged.  Come to find out that dude has more music that actually makes some sense, lol, I mean, as far as the lane its in…it really did.   And I admit, I did listen to what a lot of you may call “wacky” tracks but, the message in the one called “Always something coming at cha” made me think about how some of our more talented, brighter stars could bring positive messages through their music but adhere to the fundamentals of making dollars over “Sense”.  Aside from the name he uses…which is completely gimmicky…lol, I had a good laugh listening to his music…which is sometimes what a day needs!